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Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>助企纾困补贴篇(Subsidies to Help Enterprises) > 惠企补贴
Subsidies for Enterprises
03.创业担保贷款(Startup guaranteed loan)

    主要内容: 1. 专项资金贴息的小微企业创业担保贷款,贷款额度按照企业当年新招用符合创业担保贷款申请条件的   人员确定,最高不超过300万元,贷款期限最长不超过2年。专项资金贴息的创业担保贷款利率可在贷款合同签订日贷款市场报价利率(LPR)的基础上加点,具体标准为万州区、开州区、黔江区、彭水县、武隆区、丰都县、城口县、云阳县、奉节县、巫山县、巫溪县、石柱土家族自治县、酉阳土家族苗族自治县、秀山土家族苗族自治县加点不超过250BP,其他区县加点不超过150BP。具体贷款利率由经办银行根据借款人或借款企业的经营状况、信用情况等与借款人或 借款企业协商确定。2. 创业担保贷款财政贴息,在国家规定的贷款额度、利率和贴息期限内,按照实际的贷款额度、利率和计息期限计算。其中,对2020年12月31日后新发放的符合条件的小微企业创业担保 贷款利息,LPR-150BP以下部分,由借款企业承担,剩余部分财政给予贴息。原则上,对展期、逾期的创业担保贷款不予贴息。

    适用条件: 1. 符合以下条件的小微企业可申请创业担保贷款财政贴息支持:(1)属于《统计上大中小微型企业划分办法(2017)》(国统字〔2017〕213号)规定的小型、微型企业。(2)小微企业当年新招用符合创业担保贷款申请条件的人数达到企业现有在职职工人数15%(超过100人的企业达到8%),并与其签订1年以上劳动合同。(3)无拖欠职工工资、欠缴社会保险费等严重违法违规信用记录;



    依  据:1《重庆市财政局关于印发<重庆市普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法)的通知》(渝财规[ 2020] 10号);2.《关于加大创业担保贷款支持力度的通知》(渝人社(2021]236号)。


    1. 线上:企业创业担保贷款申请可通过重庆市人力资源和社会保障局官网办理;

    2. 线下:企业创业担保贷款申请现场办理地点包括企业注册所在地服务机构或经办银行营业网点。

    咨询方式: 023-12333。

Startup guaranteed loan

    Main content: 1. With respect to startup guaranteed loans for small and micro businesses with interest subsidies provided via special funds, the amount is RMB3,000,000 at most for a period of no longer than two years, which is subject to the recruitment of personnel who meet the startup guaranteed loan application condition in the year of business startup. The startup guaranteed loan interest rate with specially-funded interest discount may be increased or decreased on the basis of the loan prime rate (LPR) at the loan market on the date when the loan contract is signed. The standard varies in different areas, with the interest increase or decrease range not exceeding 250 BP in Wanzhou district, Kaizhou district, Qianjiang district, Pengshui county, Wulong district, Chengkou county, Yunyang county, Fengjie county, Wushan county, Wuxi county, Shizhu Tujia minority autonomous county, Youyang Tujia and Miao minorities autonomous county, and Xiushan Tujia and Miao minorities autonomous county, and not more than 150 BP in all other districts and counties of Chongqing. The lending rate is a matter for negotiation between the borrowing individual or organization and the handling bank according to the operation state and credit standing of the borrowing individual or organization. 

    2. The financial subsidy for startup guaranteed loans is calculated on the basis of the actual loan amount, interest rate and interest-bearing time limit within the loan amount, interest rate and interest discount period stipulated by relevant national standards. For the interest on startup guaranteed loans issued for eligible small and micro businesses after December 31, 2020, the portion below LPR-150BP shall be borne by the borrowers, and the remaining portion will be given a financial discount. In principle, there is no subsidy on interest payment for rolled-over or overdue startup guaranteed loans.

    Scope of application: 1. Small and micro businesses meeting the undermentioned conditions may apply for financial interest subsidies for startup guaranteed loans: (1) small and micro businesses as stipulated in the Measures for Statistical Classification of Large, Medium, Small and Micro-Enterprises (2017) (GTZ[2017] No.213). (2) Small and micro businesses whose new recruits in the year that meet the conditions for applying for startup guaranteed loans make up 15% of their existing active employees (8% of enterprises with more than 100 employees), and with whom an employment contract is signed for the duration of more than one year. (3) There is no credit record of serious violations of laws and regulations, such as non-payment of wages to employees and non-payment of social insurance premiums;

    2. The small and micro businesses founded by loan applicants shall not fall into the category of national elimination and restriction industries. For program details, refer to the Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2019 edition) (No. 29 Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission);

    3. Application materials: (1) fill out the Chongqing Startup Guaranteed Loan Application Form (for enterprises); (2) corporate ID card (to be presented for first application); (3) corporate financial statements; (4) valid labor contract, eligible employee's resident ID card and identity certificate, and payroll (one month prior to the date of application).

    Legal basis: 1. Notice of Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau on Issuing Management Measures of Chongqing Municipality for Inclusive Financial Development Special Funds (YCG[2020] No.10); 

    2. Notice on Increasing Support for Startup Guaranteed Loans (YRS(2021) No.236).

    Source of application: 1. Online: Applications for guaranteed loans for business startups via the official website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau;

    2. Offline: handling locations for startup guaranteed loan application include the service site where the applicant is registered or the branch office of the bank that handles the application.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.







