主要内容:1. 一次性补助。被认定为市级创业孵化基地(园区)的,由市级财政根据其场地规模、服务成效等情况,给予基地(园区)60万元的一次性补贴,用于补助孵化基地(园区)为服务对象提供的场租减免、水电减免和创业创新服务、信息采集等相关服务支出;
2. 绩效奖补。对每个基地(园区)连续3年开展绩效评估,根据年度评估结果,分别按照优秀30万元、良好20万元、合格10万元的标准,给予基地(园区)绩效奖补(不合格的,不予补助),具体评估细则另行制定;
3. 示范创建激励。市级创业孵化基地(园区)成功创建为国家级创业孵化基地(园区)的,按50万元/户的标准,给予示范创建奖励。
依 据:《关于印发〈重庆市市级创业孵化基地(园区)认定和管理办法〉的通知》(渝人社发〔2017〕181号)。
Municipal business incubation base support
Main content: 1. Lump-sum subsidy. If it is recognized as a municipal-level business incubation base (park), the municipal public finance department will give the base (park) a one-off subsidy of RMB600,000 according to its site size, service effectiveness, etc., to subsidize the incubation base (park's) expenditure on site rental abatement, utilities expense reduction or exemption, entrepreneurship and innovation services, information collection, and other related services provided to service recipients;
2. Performance reward. Performance evaluation for each base (park) for three consecutive years. According to the annual evaluation results, give the base (park) a performance reward as per the standard of RMB300,000 for excellent, RMB200,000 for good, and RMB100,000 for eligible respectively (if it fails to pass the standard, no reward will be given). Specific evaluation rules will be formulated separately;
3. Exemplary creation incentives. If a municipal business incubation base (park) is successfully created as a national-level business incubation base (park), it will be given an exemplary creation incentive at the standard of RMB500,000/base (park).
Scope of application: municipal-level business incubation bases.
Legal basis: Notice on the Issuance of Measures for the Recognition and Management of Municipal-level Business Incubation Bases (Parks) in Chongqing Municipality (YRSF[2017] No.181).
Source of application: district and county (autonomous county) human resources and social security departments.
Service hotline: 023-12333.