主要内容:1. 对人力资源服务机构向我市城乡户籍登记失业人员提供免费职业介绍服务(不含劳务派遣),与用人单位签订一年以上劳动合同,并缴纳社会保险费6个月以上(含6个月),给予补贴;
2. 对人力资源服务机构向我市脱贫人口提供免费职业介绍服务(不含劳务派遣),实现全日制单位就业(公益性岗位就业除外),且连续就业3个月及以上,给予补贴;
3. 成功介绍我市城乡户籍登记失业人员到用人单位就业,按每人200元标准给予补贴。其中,成功介绍符合以下条件的就业困难人员及脱贫人口到用人单位就业,按每人500元标准给予补贴:①脱贫人口;②男五十周岁、女四十周岁以上的登记失业人员;③最低生活保障家庭的登记失业人员;④最低生活保障家庭的登记失业人员;⑤毕业两年内的登记失业高校毕业生;⑥登记失业的残疾人员;⑦登记失业的复员退伍军人;⑧登记失业的刑满释放人员、戒毒康复人员;⑨登记失业的化解过剩产能企业职工;⑩市政府确定的其他就业困难人员。以上人员身份类别界定时间以签订劳动合同时间为准。
依 据:1. 《关于做好就业创业服务补助工作的通知》(渝人 社发〔2018〕15 号);
2. 《关于切实加强就业帮扶巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果助力乡村振兴的通知》(渝人社[2021]237号);
3. 《关于落实职业介绍补贴政策的通知》(渝就发〔2021〕25号)。
Recruitment service subsidy
Main content: 1. Subsidies will be given to human resources facilitating agencies that provide free recruitment services (excluding labor dispatching) to unemployed persons registered in rural and urban areas registration who have signed an employment contract with the employer for more than one year of employment and have paid social insurance premiums for more than six months (including six months);
2. Subsidies will be given to human resources facilitating agencies that provide free recruitment services (excluding labor dispatching) to Chongqing's residents who have thrown off poverty and offered with a full-time job (except employment in public welfare positions) for at least three months on end;
3. An allowance of RMB200 per person will be given to those who have helped Chongqing's registered rural and urban unemployed people to find a job. An allowance of RMB500/person will be given if a job is successfully placed for the people with difficulties in finding jobs and having shaken off poverty, including: ① people having got rid of poverty and backwardness; ② registered unemployment, among which males are required to be 50 years old and females 40 years old and above; ③ registered unemployment in the family with the minimum living allowance; ④ registered unemployment in the family with the minimum living allowance; ⑤ graduates registered as unemployed persons within two years of graduation from colleges or universities; ⑥ registered unemployed persons with disabilities; ⑦ demobilized veterans registered as unemployed persons; ⑧ unemployed prisoners released and rehabilitated drug addicts registered as unemployed personnel; ⑨ registered unemployed enterprise employees due to dissolution of excess capacity; and ⑩ other persons with difficulties in employment as confirmed by the Chongqing municipal government. The time of defining the identity category of the personnel mentioned above is based on the time of signing the employment contract.
Scope of application: human resources service agencies.
Legal basis: 1. Notice on Granting Subsidies for Employment and Business Startup Services (YRSF[2018] No.15);
2. Notice on Effectively Strengthening Employment Assistance to Consolidate and Expand the Achievements of Poverty Eradication and Boost Rural Revitalization (YRS[2021] No.237);
3. Notice on Implementing the Policy of Subsidizing Recruitment Services (YJF[2021] No. 25).
Source of application: 1. Online: http://ggfw.rlsbj.cq.gov.cn/cqjy (Chongqing Public Employment Services);
2. Offline: public employment and talent service agencies in all districts and counties (autonomous counties) of Chongqing.
Service hotline: 023-12333.