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Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>助企纾困补贴篇(Subsidies to Help Enterprises) > 惠企补贴
Subsidies for Enterprises
09.公益性岗位补贴(Public welfare position subsidy)


    适用条件:适用于在公益性岗位安置就业困难人员,与其签订劳动合同,并按规定缴纳社会保险费的单位。就业困难人员为下列人员:我市户籍脱贫人口、登记失业的“4050”人员、低保家庭人员、零就业家庭人员、离校两年内高校毕业生、 残疾人员、复员退伍军人、刑满释放人员、戒毒康复人员、化解过剩产能企业职工以及市政府确定的其他就业困难人员等群体。

    依  据:1. 《国务院关于进一步做好新形势下就业创业工作的 意见》(国发〔2015〕23号);

    2. 《关于印发〈就业补助资金管理办法〉的通知》(财社〔2017〕164号);

    3. 《关于进一步加大就业扶贫政策支持力度着力提高劳务组织化程度的通知》(人社部发〔2018〕46号);

    4. 《重庆市就业促进条例》;

    5. 《关于做好当前和今后一段时期就业创业工作的实施意见》(渝府发〔2017〕41号);

    6. 关于印发《重庆市公益性岗位开发和管理办法》的通知(渝人社发〔2016〕239号)。



    1. 线上:重庆市人力社保局门户网站

    2. 线下:区县级人力社保政务服务大厅。


Public welfare position subsidy

    Main content: Employers recruiting eligible persons with employment difficulties in public welfare positions may apply for public welfare position subsidies from the public employment and talent service agency of the county (autonomous county) where they are located. The subsidy standard for public welfare position is subject to the local minimum wages (for part-time public welfare positions, it shall be calculated in accordance with the local minimum hourly wage), and the subsidy period generally does not exceed three years, with a maximum of five years for those in difficulty who are less than five years away from the statutory retirement age.

    Scope of application: Employers that offer public welfare positions for those with difficulty in finding jobs, sign employment contracts with them, and purchase required social insurance premiums. Persons with employment difficulties include without limitation: poverty-overcome populations holding a Chongqing hukou, registered "4050" personnel, persons from households receiving subsistence allowances and zero-employment families, college and university graduates within two years of graduation, persons with disabilities, demobilized veterans, ex-prisoners, rehabilitated drug addicts, employees of enterprises dissolving excess capacity, and other groups identified by the municipal government as difficult in finding jobs.

    Legal basis: 1. Opinions of the State Council on Further Carrying out the Work Related to Employment and Business Startup in the New Situation (GF[2015] No. 23);

    2. Notice on Issuing the Measures for the Administration of Employment Subsidy Funds (CS[2017] No.164);

    3. Notice on Further Increasing Policy Support for Poverty Alleviation Through Employment to Improve the Degree of Labor Organization (RSBF[2018]No.46);

    4. Regulations of Chongqing Municipality on Employment Promotion;

    5. Opinions on Carrying out the Work Related to Employment and Business Startup in Current and Future Periods (YFF[2017] No.41);

    6. Notice on the Issuance of Measures for the Development and Management of Public Welfare Positions in Chongqing Municipality (YRSF[2016] No.239).

    7. Notice on Transmitting the Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance Notice Regarding Implementation of the Work Related to the Development and Management of Public Welfare Positions (YRSF[2019] No.167).

    Source of application: 1. Online: Portal website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, i.e. http://ggfw.rlsbj.cq.gov.cn/cqjy/n/ultimate/cqweb/ui/business/website/cms/submitDetail.html?id=af40d9b4d8f099aaaa6a5ed0bb887ebd;

    2. Offline: Service halls of human resources and social security government affairs services at district and county levels.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.







