您当前的位置: 首页>专题专栏>重庆人社助企纾困政策服务包(2023版)
Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>助企纾困补贴篇(Subsidies to Help Enterprises) > 惠企补贴
Subsidies for Enterprises
10.一次性吸纳就业补贴(One-off employment subsidy)

    主要内容:1. 招用毕业年度或离校2年未就业高校毕业生、登记失业的16—24岁青年、我市户籍登记失业半年以上人员,与其签订1年以上劳动合同,连续缴纳6个月以上社会保险费的,按2000元/人的标准给予一次性吸纳就业补贴;

    2. 招用符合条件困难人员,签订劳动合同,按规定缴纳社会保险的企业,按6000元/人的标准给予一次性吸纳就业补贴。


    依  据:1.《关于做好当前和今后一段时期就业创业工作的实施意见》(渝府发〔2017〕41号);

    2. 《国务院关于进一步做好稳就业工作的意见》(国发〔2019〕28 号);

    3. 《重庆市人民政府办公厅关于应对新冠肺炎疫情影响进一步稳定和促进就业的实施意见》(渝府办发〔2020〕62号);

    4. 《重庆市人民政府办公厅关于印发重庆市加快集聚优秀科学家及其团队若干措施和重庆市支持青年人才创新创业若干措施的通知》(渝府办发〔2021〕49号);

    5. 《重庆市人力资源和社会保障局办公室关于进一步调整就业有关扶持政策的通知》(渝人社办〔2020〕188号)。




    1. 线上:重庆市人力社保局门户网站

    2. 线下:区县人力社保政务服务大厅。


One-off employment subsidy

    Main content: 1. The standard is RMB2,000/person granted as one-off employment subsidy for those recruiting college and/or university graduates who are jobless for two years after graduation, registered unemployed young people aged 16-24, and people with a Chongqing hukou registered as unemployed personnel for more than half a year, and signing employment contracts with them for more than one year, and purchasing social insurance premiums for over six months in a row;

    2. For enterprises that recruit eligible persons in difficulty, sign employment contracts with them, and purchase social insurance premiums in accordance with regulations, the employment subsidy is RMB6,000/person.

    Scope of application: College or university graduates who are jobless for two straight years since graduation, registered unemployed youths between 16 and 24 years of age, persons registered in Chongqing's household register as unemployment for more than half a year, persons getting rid of poverty, members of households receiving subsistence allowances registered in Chongqing's household register as unemployment, persons from zero-employment families, "4050" laid-off employees of overcapacity-cutting enterprises, persons with disabilities, college or university graduates within two years of graduation, etc.;

    Legal basis: 1. Opinions on Carrying out the Work Related to Employment and Business Startup in Current and Future Periods (YFF[2017] No.41);

    2. Opinions of the State Council on Further Keeping Employment Stable (GF[2019] No.28);

    3. Opinions of the General Office of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government on Further Stabilizing and Promoting Employment in Response to the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic (YFBF[2020] No.62);

    4. Notice of the General Office of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government on the Issuance of Several Measures to Accelerate the Gathering of Outstanding Scientists and Scientist Teams in Chongqing and to Support the Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Young People in Chongqing (YFBF[2021] No.49);

    5. Notice of the Office of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Further Adjustment of Employment-Related Support Policies (YRSB[2020] No.188).

    6. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Optimizing and Adjusting the Policies and Measures for Stabilizing Employment to Promote Development and Improve People's Livelihood with Full Efforts (GBF[2023] No.11)

    7. Notice of the General Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government on Issuing Several Measures to Optimize and Adjust the Policy of Stabilizing Employment to Promote Development and Improve People's Livelihood with Full Efforts (YFBF[2023] No.57).

    Source of application: 1. Online: Portal website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, i.e. http://ggfw.rlsbj.cq.gov.cn/cqjy/n/ultimate/cqweb/ui/business/website/cms/submitDetail.html?id=1752da0594914d1746affacab3e1f40f;

    2. Offline: Service halls of human resources and social security government affairs services at district and county levels.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.







