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Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>助企纾困补贴篇(Subsidies to Help Enterprises) > 惠民补贴
Subsidies for the Public
27.引进高层次人才若干优惠(Several preferential polices for attraction of high-level talents)

    主要内容:1. 引进人才调入(迁入)或柔性引进每年在渝工作半年以上的,由用人单位提供住房供其使用:(一)第一类人才住房建筑面积不少于200平方米;(二)第二类人才住房建筑面积不少于150平方米;(三)第三类人才住房建筑面积不少于120平方米;(四)第四类人才住房建筑面积不少于100平方米;

    2. 引进人才调入(迁入)并与用人单位签订5年以上聘用合同的,可享受一次性安家补助费。其中,引进到事业单位的,所需经费由市财政和用人单位各承担50%;引进到企业和其他经济社会组织的,所需经费由市财政补助1/3、用人单位承担2/3。(一)第一类人才安家补助费200万元;(二)第二类人才安家补助费100万元;(三)第三类人才安家补助费30万元;

    3. 引进人才在本市购买首套商品房用于本人居住的,免征契税;

    4. 在外留学人员(含香港、澳门地区)来渝工作或服务的,购买一辆国产小汽车,免征车辆购置税;

    5. 引进人才调入(迁入)本市的,按下列类别享受


    适用条件:1. 第一类:中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士;

    2. 第二类:(1)国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科学技术进步奖一等奖获得者前三名;(2)国家“863”“973”重大科研项目主持人;

    3. 第三类:(1)国家级重点学科、重点实验室、工程技术研究中心学术技术带头人;(2)国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科学技术进步奖二等奖获得者前三名;(3)“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选;(4)国家杰出青年科学基金获得者;(5)国家有突出贡献中青年专家;(6)卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家;(7)“长江学者计划”特聘教授;(8)“中华技能大奖”获得者;

    4. 第四类:(1)在海外取得博士学位,并在海外知名高等院校、科研机构、金融机构、世界500强企业等单位具备两年以上工作经历的海外高层次人才;(2)国(境)外经济金融、科教文卫知名专家。

    依  据:《关于印发重庆市引进高层次人才若干优惠政策规定的通知》(渝府发〔2009〕58号)。



Several preferential polices for attraction of high-level talents

    Main content: 1. The houses provided by the employers to their employees who have been transferred (relocated) or flexibly introduced to work in Chongqing for more than half a year are as follows: (I) the building area for the first type of talents shall not be less than 200 square meters; (II) the building area for the second type of talents shall not be less than 150 square meters; (III) the building area for the third type of talents shall not be less than 120 square meters; (IV) the building area for the fourth type of talents shall not be less than 100 square meters;

    2. If the talents who are introduced by means of transfer of post (relocation) and sign an employment contract with the employer for a period of more than five years, they are entitled to a one-time settling-down allowance. For those introduced to public institutions, the municipal finance department and the employer shall each bear 50% of the required funds; for those introduced to companies and other economic and social organizations, the municipal finance department shall subsidize 1/3 of the required funds and the employer the rest 2/3 of the required funds. (I) RMB2 million settling-down allowance for the first type of talents; (II) RMB1 million settling-down allowance for the second type of talents; and (III) RMB300,000 settling-down allowance for the third type of talents;

    3. If the introduced talents purchase their first commercial residential building (condo) in Chongqing for their own use, they will be exempted from the deed tax;

    4. If Chinese students studying overseas (including those from Hong Kong and Macao) who return to work or serve in Chongqing buy a home-made automobiles, they will be exempted from the vehicle purchase tax;

    5. The talents introduced to Chongqing through transfer of post (relocation) will enjoy preferential policies:

    Job subsidies provided by the Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau: (I) For the first type of talents, the monthly post allowance is RMB8,000; (II) For the second type of talents, the monthly post allowance is RMB5,000; (III) For the third type of talents selected as candidates of the "National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project in the New Century", the monthly post allowance is RMB3,000; and for the rest of the third type of talents, the monthly post allowance is RMB1,000.

    Scope of application: 1. Type I: academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and of the Chinese Academy of Engineering;

    2. Type II: (1) the top three winners of the first prize of the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Innovation Award, and the State Science and Technology Advancement Award; (2) Directors of the National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) and the National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program);

    3. Type III: (1) Academic and technical leaders of national key disciplines, key laboratories, and engineering technology research centers; (2) the top three winners of the second prize of the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Innovation Award, and the State Science and Technology Advancement Award; (3) national candidates of the "National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project in the New Century"; (4) laureates of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars; (5) young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions to the country; (6) young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the National Health Commission; (7) Distinguished professors of the "Chang Jiang Scholars Program"; and (8) winners of the "China Skills Award";

    4. Type IV: (1) Overseas high-level talents who have received doctoral degrees abroad and have more than two years of working experience in famous overseas higher education institutions, scientific research institutions, financial setups, and Fortune Global 500 companies; (2) celebrated Chinese and foreign experts in economy and finance, science, education, culture and health.

    Legal basis: Notice on the Issuance of Several Preferential Policies and Regulations for the Introduction of High-level Talents in Chongqing Municipality (YFF[2009] No.58).

    Source of application: Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.







