您当前的位置: 首页>专题专栏>重庆人社助企纾困政策服务包(2023版)
Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>规范用工政策篇(Standardization of Employment Policies) > 用工政策
Employment Policies
01.劳动保护(Labor protection)

    重点内容:1. 国家对女职工和未成年工实行特殊劳动保护。未成年工是指年满十六周岁未满十八周岁的劳动者;

    2. 禁止安排女职工从事矿山井下、国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动和其他禁忌从事的劳动;

    3. 不得安排女职工在经期从事高处、低温、冷水作业和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动;

    4. 不得安排女职工在怀孕期间从事国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动和孕期禁忌从事的活动。对怀孕七个月以上的女职工,不得安排其延长工作时间和夜班劳动;

    5. 不得安排女职工在哺乳未满一周岁的婴儿期间从事国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动和哺乳期禁忌从事的其他劳动,不得安排其延长工作时间和夜班劳动;

    6. 不得安排未成年工从事矿山井下、有毒有害、国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动和其他禁忌从事的劳动。用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。



    依  据:《中华人民共和国劳动法》。


    重点内容:1. 各级人民政府应当保障妇女享有平等的就业机会。


    2. 用人单位应当严格遵守和执行国家在劳动保障、劳动保险、生育保险、劳动保护和妇女保健等方面的规定,不断改善劳动环境和劳动条件。禁止安排妇女从事矿山井下等超出国家规定范围的劳动和法律法规规定的其他禁忌从事的工作;

    3. 妇女在经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期受特殊保护。在女职工特殊保护期间,不得安排其从事违反国家有关女职工特殊保护规定的工作和劳动,变更其工作岗位应征得本人同意;不得减少或取消其产假、晚育假、哺乳时间;不得借此降低其基本工资,不得降低或者取消其应有的福利待遇;

    4. 女职工在怀孕、生育、哺乳期间,用人单位和个人不得违反法律法规将其辞退或单方解除劳动合同。女职工在怀孕、生育、哺乳期劳动合同期满的,应当续延至怀孕、生育、哺乳期期满。续延期内,用人单位不得降低女职工的基本工资,不得降低或者取消其应有的福利待遇。劳动合同期自然续延至女职工怀孕、生育、哺乳期满后,用人单位可以与女职工协商签订劳动合同。

    依  据:《重庆市妇女权益保障条例》。


    重点内容:1. 女职工禁忌从事的劳动范围:(一)矿山井下作业;(二)体力劳动强度分级标准中规定的第四级体力劳动强度的作业;(三)每小时负重6次以上、每次负重超过20公斤的作业,或者间断负重、每次负重超过25公斤的作业;

    2. 女职工在经期禁忌从事的劳动范围:(一)冷水作业分级标准中规定的第二级、第三级、第四级冷水作业;(二)低温作业分级标准中规定的第二级、 第三级、第四级低温作业;(三)体力劳动强度分级标准中规定的第三级、第四级体力劳动强度的作业;(四)高处作业分级标准中规定的第三级、第四级高处作业;

    3. 女职工在孕期禁忌从事的劳动范围:(一)作业场所空气中铅及其化合物、汞及其化合物、苯、镉、铍、砷、氰化物、氮氧化物、一氧化碳、二硫化碳、氯、己内酰胺、氯丁二烯、氯乙烯、环氧乙烷、苯胺、甲醛等有毒物质浓度超过国家职业卫生标准的作业;(二)从事抗癌药物、己烯雌酚生产,接触麻醉剂气体等的作业;(三)非密封源放射性物质的操作,核事故与放射 事故的应急处置;(四)高处作业分级标准中规定的高处作业;(五)冷水作业分级标准中规定的冷水作业;(六)低温作业分级标准中规定的低温作业;(七)高温作业分级标准中规定的第三级、第四级的作业;(八)噪声作业分级标准中规定的第三级、第四级的作业;(九)体力劳动强度分级标准中规定的第三级、第四级体力劳动强度的作业;(十)在密闭空间、高压室作业或者潜水作业,伴有强烈振动的作业,或者需要频繁弯腰、攀高、下蹲的作业;

    4. 女职工在哺乳期禁忌从事的劳动范围:(一)孕期禁忌从事的劳动范围的第一项、第三项、第九项;(二)作业场所空气中锰、氟、溴、甲醇、有机磷化合物、有机氯化合物等有毒物质浓度超过国家职业卫生标准的作业。


    依  据:《女职工劳动保护特别规定》(中华人民共和国国务院令第619号)。

Labor protection

    Highlights: 1. The State shall provide special protection to female staff and workers and juvenile workers. "Juvenile workers" hereby refer to workers at the age of 16 but under age 18;

    2. It is forbidden to assign women with the jobs in mines and coal shafts, labor of the class IV intensity and other jobs forbidden by State;

    3. It is not allowed to assign women with the jobs in high altitude, law temperature and cold water during menstrual period or in manual labor of the class III intensity;

    4. Female workers during their pregnancy shall not be arranged to engage in work with class III physical labor intensity as stipulated by the State and other activities that they should avoid in pregnancy. Female workers pregnant for seven months or more shall not be arranged to extend their working hours or to work night shifts;

    5. Female workers during the period of breast-feeding their babies less than one year old shall not be arranged to engage in work with class III physical labor intensity as stipulated by the State or other labor that they should avoid during their breast-feeding period, or to extend their working hours or to work night shifts;

    6. It is not allowed to assign underage workers to work in mines, coal shafts or in toxic and harmful jobs or manual labor of class IV intensity as provided for by the State and other jobs forbidden for underage persons. Employers shall provide regular physical examinations to juvenile workers.

    Scope of application: All enterprises and individual economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as "employers") within the boundary of the People's Republic of China and those who have formed labor relations therewith. State organs, institutional organizations and societies as well as workers who form an employment contract relationship therewith.

    Legal basis: Labor Law of the People's Republic of China.


    Highlights: 1. People's governments at all levels shall guarantee equal employment opportunities for women. Employers shall not discriminate against women during hiring and recruitment. Except for the special types of work and positions stipulated by the State as unsuitable for women, employers shall not raise the standards for hiring and recruiting women, and shall not agree in employment contracts to restrict female staff and workers from getting married or having babies. Female graduates from universities, junior colleges and vocational and technical schools shall enjoy equal employment opportunities and rights as male graduates, and no organization or individual shall discriminate against them;

    2. Employers shall strictly observe and implement the State's regulations on labor security, labor insurance, maternity insurance, labor protection and women's health care, and shall continuously improve working environment and conditions. It is prohibited to arrange for women to engage in labor beyond the national regulation, such as underground work in mines, and other work that is prohibited by laws and regulations;

    3. Women shall be given special protection during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. During the period of special protection for female staff and workers, they shall not be arranged to engage in work or labor that violates the State's provisions on special protection for female staff and workers, and changes of positions shall be subject to their consent; it is forbidden to reduce or cancel their maternity leave, late childbirth leave, or breastfeeding time, which shall not be used as a means of lowering their basic wages and salaries or to reduce or cancel the benefit packages to which they are entitled;

    4. During pregnancy, childbirth and/or breastfeeding, no employer or individual shall dismiss the female employee or unilaterally terminate the employment contract signed with by violation of laws and regulations. If the employment contract expires during pregnancy, childbirth and/or breastfeeding, it shall be renewed until the end of pregnancy, childbirth and/or breastfeeding. During the renewal period, the employer shall not cut down the basic wage and/or salary of this female employee, nor shall it reduce or cancel the benefit packages to which she is entitled. When the term of an employment contract is naturally extended until the end of pregnancy, childbirth and/or breastfeeding of a female employee, the employer may negotiate an employment contract with the female employee.

    Legal basis: Regulations of Chongqing Municipality on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women.


    Highlights: 1. The scope of work prohibited for female employees: (I) underground work in mines; (II) work at class IV physical labor intensity as stipulated in the standard for grading the intensity of physical work; (III) more than six times an hour of weight bearing, with with the load exceeding 20 kilograms each time, or intermittent weight bearing, with the load exceeding 25 kilograms each time;

    2. The scope of work from which female employees are prohibited during menstruation: (I) class II, III and IV work exposed to cold water as stipulated in the classification standard for work exposed to cold water; (II) class II, III and IV  work in low temperature as stipulated in the classification standard for low-temperature operations; (III) class III and IV physical work intensity as stipulated in the classification standard for physical work intensity; (IV) class III and IV work at heights as stipulated in the classification standard for high-place operations;

    3. The scope of work prohibited for female employees during pregnancy: (I) work in places where the concentrations of lead and its compounds, mercury and its compounds, benzene, cadmium, beryllium, arsenic, cyanide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon disulfide, chlorine, caprolactam, chloroprene, vinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, aniline, formaldehyde, and other toxic substances in the air exceed the national occupational health standard; (II) work involving anticancer drugs and diethylstilbestrol production, exposure to anesthetic gases, etc.; (III) operation of radioactive substances from unsealed sources, and emergency response to nuclear and radiological accidents; (IV) work at heights specified in the classification standard for high-place operations; (V) work exposed to cold water specified in the classification standard for cold-water operations; (VI) Low-temperature operations specified in the classification standard for low-temperature operations; (VII) High-temperature operations specified in the classification standard for class III and IV operations; (VIII) class III and IV operations as specified in the classification standard for operations exposed to noise; (IX) class III and IV physical work intensity as specified in the physical work intensity grading standard; (X) operations in confined spaces and high-pressure rooms or diving operations, accompanied by strong vibration or the need for frequent stooping, climbing, and squatting;

    4. the scope of work prohibited for female employees during breastfeeding: (I) the first, third and ninth items in the scope of work prohibited during pregnancy; (II) work exposed to the concentrations of manganese, fluorine, bromine, methanol, organophosphorus compounds, organochlorine compounds, and other toxic substances in the air of the workplace exceed the national occupational health standard.

    Scope of application: Employers and their female employees, including State organs, enterprises, public institutions, social groups, individual economic organizations, and others within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

    Legal basis: Special Rules on the Labor Protection for Female Employees (No. 619 Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China).







