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Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>规范用工政策篇(Standardization of Employment Policies) > 用工政策
Employment Policies
04.集体合同(Collective contract)

    重点内容:1. 用人单位应当建立集体协商制度。职工方和用人单位可以就劳动关系有关事项进行平等协商,订立集体合同;

    2. 依法订立的集体合同对用人单位和该单位全体职工具有约束力。集体合同约定的劳动条件、劳动报酬等标准不得低于法定标准。用人单位与职工个人订立的劳动合同中劳动条件、劳动报酬等标准低于集体合同约定的,按照集体合同执行。用人单位的劳动规章制度与集体合同不一致的,按照集体合同执行;

    3. 市、区县(自治县)人民政府负责领导和推进集体协商和集体合同工作。市、区县(自治县)人力资源和社会保障行政部门依法对集体协商和订立、履行集体合同实施指导和监督。市、区县(自治县)地方工会和产业工会指导、帮助职工方订立集体合同,对集合同的履行监督检查,参与集体合同争议的协调处理。工商业联合会、企业联合会、企业家协会、行业协会、商会等企业代表组织(以下称企业代表组织)指导、帮助用人单位订立和履行集体合同,参与集体合同争议的协调处理;

    4. 市、区县(自治县)人力资源和社会保障行政部门、总工会和企业代表组织建立协调劳动关系的三方会议制度。三方会议对集体协商和订立、履行集体合同过程中的重大问题进行研究和协调;



    依  据:《重庆市集体合同条例》。


    重点内容:1. 用人单位应当与职工一方建立集体协商制度。工会代表职工一方就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利待遇等事项与单位进行协商,或者专门就工资等事项与单位进行协商,未组建工会的单位由上级工会指导职工推举代表与单位进行协商。职工一方向用人单位提出进行集体协商要求的,用人单位不得拒绝,并应当在职工一方提出要求之日起十五个工作日内开始协商。用人单位应当向职工一方提供协商所需的有关情况和资料。用人单位不得因 职工协商代表履行协商职责,解除其劳动合同、或者变更其工作岗位、或者降低其工资待遇;

    2. 职工享有依法参加和组织工会的权利;享有向国家机关、社会团体和用人单位提出意见、建议的权利;享有参与涉及职工权益的有关事项的民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的权利;

    3. 用人单位应当通过职工代表大会制度或者其他民主管理制度,保障职工对涉及自身权益的事项享有参与民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的权利。法律、法规规定应当提交职工(代表)大会等民主管理权力机构审议、通过、决定的事项,用人单位应当依法办理,否则作出的决定无效。

    适用情形:1. 本市行政区域内的企业事业单位、个体经济组织、民办非企业单位、国家机关和社会团体等用人单位的职工权益保障,适用本条例。国家公务员以及依照和参照国家公务员制度管理的人员除外;

    2. 本条例所称职工,是指与用人单位建立劳动关系的劳动者(含进入城镇就业的农村劳动者)。

    依  据:《重庆市职工权益保障条例》。

Collective contract

    Highlights: 1. Employers shall establish a collective bargaining system. The employee and the employer may consult each other on an equal footing with respect to labor relations and reach a collective contract;

    2. The collective contract signed in accordance with the law is binding on the employer and all of its employees. The standards such as working conditions and remunerations agreed upon in a collective contract shall not be lower than the mandatory standards. If the working conditions, remunerations and other standards in the employment contract signed between the employer and the employee are lower than those agreed in the collective contract, the collective contract shall prevail. If the labor rules and regulations of the employer are inconsistent with the collective contract, it shall be subjected to the collective contract;

    3. The people's governments across Chongqing (including districts, counties, and autonomous counties) are responsible for leading and promoting collective bargaining and collective contract-related work. The administrative departments of human resources and social security across Chongqing (including districts, counties, and autonomous counties) shall, in accordance with the law, guide and supervise collective bargaining and the conclusion and fulfillment of collective contracts. Local trade unions and industrial unions across Chongqing (including districts, counties, and autonomous counties) shall guide and help employees to sign collective contracts, supervise and inspect the fulfillment of the collective contracts, and participate in the coordination and handling of disputes over collective contracts. Enterprise representative organizations such as federations of industry and commerce, association of undertakings, entrepreneurs associations, trade associations, and chambers of commerce (hereinafter referred to as "business representative organization") shall guide and help employers to reach and implement collective contracts, and participate in the coordination and handling of disputes over collective contracts;

    4. The municipal-, district- and county- (autonomous county-) level administrative departments of human resources and social security, the federation of trade unions, and business representative organizations shall form a tripartite meeting system for the coordination of labor relations. The tripartite meeting shall discuss and coordinate major issues arising from collective bargaining and the conclusion and fulfillment of collective contracts;

    5. Regional collective contracts refer to the collective contracts on matters relating to labor relations concluded by the trade unions in the districts or counties (or autonomous counties) organizing the staff representatives and business representative organizations in the region. An industrial collective contract is a collective contract on matters relating to labor relations concluded by a trade union or an industrial (trade) union in a a district or county (or autonomous county) organizing the staff representatives and business representative organizations of the industry in the region. Regional and industrial collective contracts are binding on both the employers and employees in the region and industry. Where an employer within the applicability of a regional or industrial collective contract enters into a separate collective contract with the employee, the standards such as working conditions and remunerations stipulated in the collective contract shall not be lower than those prescribed in the regional or industrial collective contract.

    Scope of application: Enterprises, non-governmental non-profit organizations, and public institutions implementing commercialized management (hereinafter referred to as "employer") within the administrative areas of Chongqing hold collective bargaining with their own employees and conclude and perform collective contracts.

    Legal basis: Collective Contract Regulations of Chongqing Municipality.


    Highlights: 1. Employers shall establish a collective bargaining system together with their employees. The trade union negotiates with the employer on behalf of the employee regarding matters such as remuneration, working hours, rest and vacation, occupational safety and health, insurance and benefits, or negotiates with the employer exclusively on matters such as wages, and the higher-level trade union of the employer without a trade union instructs the employees to nominate their representatives to negotiate with the employer. If an employee makes a request to the employer to conduct collective bargaining, the employer shall not refuse, and shall start consultation within 15 working days from the date of request. The employer shall provide the employee with the relevant data and materials necessary for consultation. The employer shall not terminate the employment contract, change the job position of the employees' bargaining representative, or reduce his/her wages and benefits due to performance of his/her duty of consultation;

    2. Employees have the right to join and organize trade unions in accordance with the law; submit opinions and suggestions to State organs, social groups and employers; and participate in democratic decision-making, management and supervision of matters relating to the rights and interests of employees;

    3. The employer shall, through the system of workers and staff congress or other systems of democratic management, guarantee the right of staff and workers to participate in democratic decision-making, management and supervision of matters involving their rights and interests. Where laws and regulations stipulate that matters that should be submitted to the democratic management authority such as the workers and staff (representatives) congress for consideration, adoption or decision-making, the employer shall do so in accordance with the law, or else the decision made shall be null and void.

    Scope of application: 1. The present article shall be applicable to the protection of the rights and interests of employees in enterprises, public institutions, individual economic organizations, non-governmental non-profit organizations, State organs, social groups, and other employers within the administrative areas of Chongqing. This excludes civil servants and those who are managed in accordance with and by reference to the national civil service system;

    2. The employees referred to in the present article are those who have established labor relations with their employers (including rural people coming to towns and cities to find jobs).

    Legal basis: Regulations of Chongqing Municipality on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Employees.







