10.劳动争议仲裁(Labor disputes arbitration)
适用情形:1. 当事人因追索劳动报酬发生的劳动争议,劳动人事争议仲裁委员会对以下各单项裁决支持金额不超过仲裁委员会所在地月最低工资标准十二个月的,适用终局裁决:1.计时、计件工资;2.加班加点工资;3.奖金;4.津贴、补贴;5.带薪年休假报酬;6.特殊情况下支付的工资;7.其他劳动报酬;
2. 当事人因追索工伤医疗费发生的劳动争议,裁决支持总金额不超过仲裁委员会所在地月最低工资标准十二个月的,适用终局裁决。工伤医疗费包括挂号费、检查费、治疗费、化验费、手术费、住院费、药费或者与工伤职业病治疗有关的费用等;
3. 当事人因追索经济补偿发生的劳动争议,劳动人事争议仲裁委员会对以下各单项裁决支持金额不超过仲裁委员会所在地月最低工资标准十二个月的,适用终局裁决:1.解除、终止劳动合同的经济补偿;2.竞业限制经济补偿;3.用人单位未提前三十日书面通知解除劳动合同的一个月工资;4.《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》第四十六条规定的其他经济补偿;
4. 当事人因追索赔偿金发生的劳动争议,劳动人事争议仲裁委员会对以下各单项裁决支持金额不超过仲裁委员会所在地月最低工资标准十二个月的,适用终局裁决:1.违法解除、终止劳动合同的赔偿金;2.未订立书面劳动合同、无固定期限劳动合同的二倍工资差额;3.违法履行试用期的赔偿金;4.《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》第八十五条规定的加付赔偿金;
5. 劳动者请求用人单位支付养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险待遇,属于因执行国家的劳动标准在社会保险方面发生的争议,适用终局裁决;
6. 当事人因执行劳动法律法规规章等规定的劳动标准,在工作时间以及法定节假日、休息日、年休假、产假、病假、探亲假、婚假、丧假等休息休假权利方面发生的争议,适用终局裁决。
依 据:1. 《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》;
2. 《劳动人事争议仲裁办案规则》;
3. 《最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律若干问题的解释(三)》;
4. 《关于劳动争议终局裁决适用有关事项的通知》(渝人社发〔2016〕201号);
5. 《关于认真落实劳动争议终局裁决有关规定的通知》(渝人社办〔2016〕199号)。
依 据:《重庆市劳动人事争议仲裁委员会关于案件受理有关事项的通知》(渝劳人仲发〔2021〕2号)。
Labor disputes arbitration
Highlights: Where the arbitral award is final, the award shall become legally effective from the date on which it is made.
Scope of application: 1. In case of a labor dispute arising from the recovery of labor remuneration, the arbitration committee of personnel and employment disputes shall apply a final award if the amount that supports the award of each item listed below does not exceed the monthly minimum wage of previous 12 months at its location: 1. hourly wages and piece wages; 2. overtime wages; 3. bonuses; 4. allowances and subsidies; 5. paid annual leave; 6. wages paid under special circumstances; 7. other labor remunerations;
2. The final award shall apply in the event that the total amount supported by the award in favor of the party in a labor dispute arising from the recovery of medical fees for employment injury does not exceed the monthly minimum wages of previous 12 months at the location of the arbitration committee. The medical fee incorporates registration, examination, treatment, diagnostic tests, operation, hospitalization, medicines, or expenses related to the treatment of employment injuries and occupational diseases;
3. In case of a labor dispute arising from the recovery of economic compensation, the arbitration committee shall apply a final award if the amount that supports the award of each item listed below does not exceed the monthly minimum wage of previous 12 months at its location: 1. Economic compensation for the cancellation or termination of the employment contract; 2. economic compensation for non-competition; 3. one month's wages for the employer's failure to give a 30-day prior written notice on the cancellation of the employment contract; 4. other economic compensation as stipulated in Article 46 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China;
4. In case of a labor dispute arising from the recovery of economic compensation, the arbitration committee shall apply a final award if the amount that supports the award of each item listed below does not exceed the monthly minimum wage of previous 12 months at its location: 1. compensation for the unlawful dissolution or termination of the employment contract; 2. two times the wages for the failure to enter into a written employment contract and an open-term employment contract; 3. compensation for unlawful implementation of the probationary period; 4. additional compensation as stipulated in Article 85 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China;
5. The final award shall apply in the event that the employer's request for the employer to pay the endowment insurance, medical insurance, employment injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance and benefits leads to a dispute over social insurance arising from the implementation of national labor standards;
6. The final award shall apply to disputes between the contracting parties arising from the implementation of labor standards as stipulated in labor laws, rules, and regulations in respect of working hours and the right to rest and leave such as statutory holidays, rest days, annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, home leave, marriage leave, and bereavement leave.
Normative references: 1. Law of the People's Republic of China on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes;
2. Rules for Handling Arbitration of Personnel and Employment Disputes;
3. Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues about the Application of Laws for the Trial of Labor Dispute Cases (II);
4. Notice on Matters Relating to the Application of Labor Dispute Final Awards (YRSF[2016] No. 201);
5. Notice on Conscientious Implementation of the Provisions Concerning the Final Awards of Labor Disputes (YRSB[2016] No.199).
Highlights: The accepting institution of labor disputes arising between employees and employers who are foreign, and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises with a registered capital of USD10 million and above (or equivalent to USD10 million and above) set up with the approval of the market regulation administration at a district or county (or autonomous county) of Chongqing is the Chongqing Municipal Personnel and Employment Disputes Arbitration Committee.
Scope of application: Participation in labor dispute arbitration.
Legal basis: Notice of Chongqing Municipal Personnel and Employment Disputes Arbitration Committee on Matters Relating to Case Acceptance (YLRZF[2021] No.2).