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Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
>规范用工政策篇(Standardization of Employment Policies) > 用工政策
Employment Policies
11.劳动保障监察(Labor security monitoring)

    重点内容:1. 劳动保障监察书面审查(以下简称书面审查)是指人力社保行政部门通过对用人单位按要求报送的书面资料进行审查,以指导和规范其用工行为的劳动保障监察实施方式。


    3. 人力社保行政部门可采取全面审查和专项审查的方式对用人单位实施书面审查,书面审查的内容可包括:(1)用人单位制定内部劳动保障规章制度及执行的情况;(2)用人单位与劳动者订立和解除劳动合同的情况;(3)用人单位遵守禁止使用童工规定的情况;(4)用人单位遵守女职工和未成年工特殊劳动保护的情况;(5)用人单位遵守工作时间和休息休假规定的情况;(6)用人单位支付工资和执行最低工资标准的情况;(7)用人单位参加社会保险及缴纳社会保险费的情况;(8)劳务派遣单位和用工单位遵守劳务派遣规定的情况;(9)人力资源服务机构、职业技能培训机构和职业技能考核鉴定机构遵守有关专门规定的情况;(10)法律、法规规定的其他劳动保障监察事项。;

    4. 对书面审查中发现用人单位存在违反劳动保障法律、法规、规章的行为,应区分情况分类处理:(1)违法行为轻微并有主动改正意愿的,采取约谈用人单位负责人或以下发整改建议书的方式予以宣传教育改正;(2)违法行为较严重的,下达《劳动保障监察指令书》,约谈用人单位负责人,限期整改;(3)违法行为特别严重的,依法严肃处理。


    依  据:《重庆市劳动保障监察书面审查实施办法》(渝人社发〔2022〕49号)。







    依  据:《重庆市企业劳动保障守法诚信等级评价暂行办法》(渝人社发〔2016〕212号)。

Labor security monitoring

    Highlights: 1. Written examination of labor security monitoring (hereinafter referred to as "written examination") refers to the way of implementing labor security monitoring in which the administrative department of human resources and social security examines the written information submitted by the employer as required in order to guide and regulate its employment practices.

    2. The object of written examination includes all types of employers as stipulated in the Labor Law, Labor Contract Law, Regulations on the Implementation of the Labor Contract Law, Regulations on Supervision of Labor Security, Provisional Regulations on Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums, and other related laws and regulations.

    3. The administrative department of human resources and social security may conduct a written review of the employer in the form of comprehensive examination and special examination, which may cover: (1) the employer's formulation and implementation of internal labor security rules and regulations; (2) the employer's conclusion and termination of employment contracts with its employees; and (3) the employer's compliance with the prohibition on recruitment of child labor;

    (4) compliance by the employer with special labor protection of female employees and juvenile workers; (5) compliance by the employer with regulations on working hours, rest and vacation; (6) payment of wages and enforcement of the minimum wages by the employer; (7) participation in and payment for the social insurance program by the employer; (8) compliance by the labor dispatching agency and the employer with regulations on labor dispatching; and (9) compliance of human resources service agencies, vocational skills training organizations, and vocational skills assessment and appraisal organizations with relevant specialized regulations; and (10) other labor security supervision matters stipulated by laws and regulations;

    4. For employers found during written examination to have violated labor security laws, regulations, and rules, the situation shall be addressed on a case by case basis: (1) if the violation is minor and there is a willingness to take the initiative to make corrections, it is mainly handled by publicity and education, i.e., interviewing the principal of the employer or issuing a rectification proposal; (2) if the violation is relatively severe, measures include giving Labor Security Monitoring Instructions, interviewing the principal of the employer, and requiring to make corrections within a prescribed time limit; and (3) if the violation is particularly severe, it shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law.

    Scope of application: Labor security monitoring.

    Legal basis: Implementation Measures of Chongqing Municipality for Written Examination of Labor Security Supervision (YRSF[2022] No.49).


    Highlights: 1. The integrity and law-abiding rating of enterprises' labor security refers to the act of the administrative department of human resources and social security to evaluate enterprises' integrity and law-abiding of labor security based on enterprises' compliance with labor security laws, regulations and rules.

    2. The evaluation of an enterprise's labor security integrity and law-abiding rating is mainly based on the enterprise's credit record of the previous year obtained in other related work and labor security monitoring such as daily patrol inspections, examination of written materials, investigation and handling of reports and complaints, and special inspections.

    3. The evaluation of an enterprise's labor security integrity and law-abiding rating includes: (1) developing and implementing labor security rules and regulations that directly involve the personal interests of its employees; (2) withholding the resident ID cards, academic certificates, professional and technical qualifications, vocational qualifications, social security cards, and other documents of candidates, and requiring them to provide guarantees, or collecting guarantees, deposits, and other belongings from the candidates on other pretexts; (3) creating employee files; (4) signing and terminating employment contracts, issuing certificates of employment contract rescission or termination, handling the transfer procedures of employee files and social insurance relations, and implementing collective contract-related provisions; (5) paying labor remunerations, economic compensations, and indemnifications, observing and carrying out the provisions on minimum wages; ( (6) complying with the regulations on working hours, rest and holidays; (7) complying with the regulations on special labor protection for female employees and juvenile workers and the prohibition of child labor; (8) sticking to the regulations on vocational training and the recruitment of skilled workers; (9) purchasing social insurance; (10) adhering to labor dispatching regulations; and (11) observing and enforcing the provisions on management of social insurance funds and special funds for employment; and (12) others involving observation of labor security laws, rules and regulations.

    4. The integrity and law-abiding rating of enterprises' labor security is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. Based on the evaluation of enterprises' labor security integrity and law-abiding rating, the administrative department of human resources and social security implements categorized supervision of enterprises under the jurisdiction of labor security supervision; for enterprises rated as grade A, the frequency of routine inspections can be appropriately decreased; for enterprises rated as grade B, the frequency of routine inspections can be appropriately increased; for enterprises rated as grade C, they are included in the key objects of labor security supervision for intensified routine inspections and dynamic monitoring. 

    Scope of application: Evaluation of enterprises' labor security integrity and law-abiding rating.

    Legal basis: Interim Measures for Evaluating the Labor Security Integrity and Law-Abiding Rating of Enterprises in Chongqing (YRSF[2016] No. 212).







