首页 政府信息公开 互动交流 重庆人社助企纾困政策服务包(2023版)
Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
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Enterprise Bailout Policy Service Package of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau(Edition 2023)
>便民利企服务篇(Services for the Public and Enterprises) > 社会保障卡服务
Social Security Card Services

67.社会保障卡密码修改与重置(Change and resetting of social security card passwords)

日期: 2023-07-28




    申请材料:1. 社会保障卡;

    2. 居民身份证(未成年人可用户口簿);





Change and resetting of social security card passwords

    Service recipient: Natural persons.

  Service content: Change and resetting of social security function passwords of social security cards after verification of identification documents.

    Scope of application: The applicant of Chongqing social security card has forgotten the password or the card has been locked.

    Application materials: 1. Social security card;

    2. Resident ID card (household registration booklet if the applicant is a minor);

  Normative references: Notice on the Issuance of the Measures for Management of Social Security Cards of the People's Republic of China (RSBF[2011] No.47).

    Service channel: Service halls of human resources and social security government affairs services at all levels.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.

    Service fee: Free of charge.