申请材料:1. 重庆市失业登记申请表;
2. 居民身份证(社会保障卡);
3. 户口簿;
4. 毕业证书;【非必要】
5. 释放证明书或解除社区矫正宣告书;【非必要】
6. 责令社区戒毒/社区康复决定书或强制隔离戒毒/ 延长强制隔离戒毒决定书;【非必要】
7. 中国人民解放军义务兵退出现役证、中国人民解放军士官退出现役证或中国人民武装警察部队义务兵退出现役证、中国人民武装警察部队士官退出现役证。【非必要】
依 据:1. 《中华人民共和国就业促进法》;
2. 《就业服务与就业管理规定》(中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部令第28号);
3. 《关于进一步加强公共就业服务体系建设的指导意见》(人社部发〔2009〕116号);
4. 《关于印发就业失业登记证管理暂行办法的通知》(人社部发〔2010〕75号);
5. 《关于进一步完善公共就业服务体系有关问题的通知》(人社部发〔2012〕103号);
6. 《关于进一步完善就业失业登记管理办法的通知》(人社部发〔2014〕97号);
8. 《重庆市就业促进条例》;
9. 《关于做好当前和今后一个时期就业创业工作的实施意见》(渝府发〔2018〕57号);
1. 线上:重庆市人力社保局门户网站;
2. 线下:乡镇级公共就业创业服务机构。
Unemployment registration
Service recipient: Natural persons.
Service content: Registration services for the unemployed.
Scope of application: Urban and rural jobless workers within the statutory age to work who have the ability to work and have the requirement for work.
Application materials: 1. Application form of unemployment registration in Chongqing;
2. Resident ID card (social security card);
3. Household registration booklet;
4. Graduation certificate [not necessary];
5. Release certificate or declaration of discharge from community corrections [not necessary];
6. A written decision to order drug abstinence in community/community-based rehabilitation or a written decision on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation/a written decision on extension of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation [not necessary];
7. A certificate of release from active duty of compulsory servicemen of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), a certificate of release from active duty of non-commissioned officers of the PLA, or a certificate of release from active duty of compulsory servicemen of the People's Armed Police Force (PAPF), or a certificate of release from active duty of non-commissioned officers of the PAPF [not necessary].
Legal basis: 1. Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China;
2. Provisions on Employment Services and Employment Management (No.28 Decree of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China);
3. Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Public Employment Service System (RSBF[2009] No.116);
4. Notice on the Issuance of Interim Measures for the Administration of Employment and Unemployment Registration Certificates (RSBF[2010] No. 75);
5. Notice on Matters Concerning the Further Improvement of the Public Employment Service System (RSBF[2012] No.103);
6. Notice on Further Improving the Administrative Measures for Employment and Unemployment Registration (RSBF[2014] No.97);
7. Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Further Implementing Unemployment Registration and Strengthening Employment Services for Unemployed Personnel (RSTF[2020] No.3)
8. Regulations of Chongqing Municipality on Employment Promotion;
9. Opinions on Carrying out the Work Related to Employment and Business Startup in Current and Future Periods (YFF[2018] No.57);
10. Opinions on Carrying out the Work Related to Employment and Business Startup in Current and Future Periods (YFF[2017] No.41).
Source of application: 1. Online: Portal website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, i.e. http://ggfw.rlsbj.cq.gov.cn/cqjy/n/ultimate/cqweb/ui/business/website/cms/submitDetail.html?id=AD360F5A0AF14BD6E055000000000001;
2. Offline: Village- and town-level public employment and business startup service agencies.
Service hotline: 023-12333.
Service fee: Free of charge.