
73.劳务派遣经营许可(“告知承诺”制)(Labor dispatching business permit ("Notification and Promise" system))




    审批层级:1. 市级:注册资金五百万(含)以上企业;

    2. 区县级:注册资金两百万至五百万元的企业。


    许可条件:1. 注册资本不得少于人民币二百万元;

    2. 有与开展业务相适应的固定的经营场所和设施;

    3. 有符合法律、行政法规规定的劳务派遣管理制度。

    申请材料:1. 劳务派遣经营许可申请书;

    2. 告知承诺书;

    3. 公司章程以及验资机构出具的验资报告或者财 务审计报告。


    1. 线上:“渝快办”

    2. 线下:有管辖权的人力社保部门。



Labor dispatching business permit ("Notification and Promise" system)

    Reform mode: Implementation of the notification and promise system: If the applicant voluntarily undertakes that it meets the licensing conditions and submits the materials as required, the decision on licensing will be made on the spot.

  Scope of application: Reform measures are applicable to legal persons whose domicile is in China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone. For companies with serious adverse credit records, the notification and promise system shall not be used to obtain administrative licensing until the bad credit record is repaired.

    Approval level: 1. Municipality level: Companies with a registered capital of RMB5 million (or more);

    2. District and county levels: Companies with a registered capital of RMB2-5 million.

    Legal basis: Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.

    Licensing conditions: 1. The registered capital shall not be less than RMB2million;

    2. Have fixed premises and facilities suitable for conducting businesses;

    3. Have a labor dispatching management system that conforms to applicable laws and administrative regulations.

    Application materials: 1. Application for labor dispatching business permit;

    2. Letter of notification and promise;

    3. Articles of association and the capital verification report or financial audit report issued by the capital verification institution.

    Service channel: 1. Online: https://zwykb.cq.gov.cn/sxqd/bsznq/?id=CADE71BC2DB83FD7E05365C163176F70&parentPage=7 ("YuKuaiBan");

    2. Offline: human resources and social security departments with jurisdiction.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.

    Service fee: Free of charge.
