
47.缴费人员增减申报(Declaration of increase and decrease in policy holders)




    申请条件:1. 参保单位因新招、调入、单位合并等原因增加人员,应于新增人员报到后15日内或单位合并后的30日内向社会保险经办机构进行申报;


    申请材料: 1. 《重庆市参加社会保险人员基本情况表》(纸质及电子数据);


    3.港澳台居民居住证或港澳居民来往内地通行证原 件(港澳台人员参保需提供) ;



    依  据:1.《中华人民共和国社会保险法》;




    1. 线上:重庆市人力资源和社会保障局网站

    2. 线下:全市各级人力社保政务服务大厅。



Declaration of increase and decrease in policy holders

    Service recipient: Legal persons.

    Service content: Increase and decrease of social insurance for the employees of insured companies. 

    Scope of application: 1. Insured companies that increase personnel due to new recruitment, transfer, and merger and for other reasons shall report to the social insurance agency within 15 days of newcomers' attendance or within 30 days of merger;

    2. In case of reduction in the number of policy holders due to termination or dissolution of labor (employment) relationship, job transfer, resignation, dismissal, enlistment in the military, schooling, missing, death, or corporate spin-off, the social insurance agency shall be notified within 15 days of the occurrence of the above circumstances.

    Application materials: 1. Basic Information Form of Personnel Participating in the Social Insurance Program in Chongqing Municipality (print-out and electronic data);

    2. Original passport and employment permit (required if the insured is a foreigner);

    3. Original residence permit for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan residents or home return permit (required if the insured is a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident);

    4. Health certificate for purchasing employment injury insurance submitted by those who are engaged in radioactive, highly toxic, dusty, and other occupational hazard work in the fields of coal mines, mines, cement, construction, building materials, rubber, and so on.

    The following needs to be provided for declaration of reduction in the number of policy holders: Declaration Form of Reduction in the Number of Policy Holders for Insured Companies in Chongqing (print-out and electronic data).

    Legal basis: 1. Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China;

    2. Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases;

    3. Specifications for the Administration of the Unified Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums in Chongqing Municipality (RRSF[2015] No.266).

    Service channel: 1. Online: Website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, i.e. http://rlsbj.cq.gov.cn/;

    2. Offline: Service halls of human resources and social security government affairs services across Chongqing.

    Service hotline: 023-12333.

    Service fee: Free of charge.
